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Open Heavens Devotional by Pastor E.A. Adeboye

Memorise: Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. Proverbs 31:30

Read: Ezekiel 16:14-15

The expectations of believers sometimes fail because they are based on the wrong foundation. Expectations that are presumptuous would most likely fail. So also would expectations based on physical qualities such as an individual’s good looks, stature or charm. If your expectation for a husband or a good home is based on your beauty, it may be dashed. There are many ladies who are not beautiful but they are married to good husbands and there are many pretty ladies who earlier thought marriage would be easiest thing for them; in fact, they became so choosy that today they have aged, but are without husbands. If you think beauty or handsomeness will give you a good home, you should have a rethink. Take a man like Absalom. As a man he was described as being beautiful. His kind of beauty was the type that would make any pretty lady green with envy. Apart from Lucifer, Absalom was another personality described as being perfect in beauty. Most ladies would fight to have him as a husband. But at the end they would have regretted that decision.

Imagine what he did? He murdered his half-brother who raped his sister, he spearheaded a powerful rebellion against his father and toppled him, he openly slept with his father’s concubines and he planned to kill his father but for God’s intervention. At the end he died prematurely! His wife became a widow too soon. His three sons and one daughter became fatherless. They lived with the evil tag of being the children of a rebel who died shamefully (2 Samuel 14:25-27). If you think you are too beautiful or too handsome to marry the fellow God has chosen for you as your life partner, make no mistake, you will end up marrying the Absaloms and Jezebels of this world. Today, many pretty ladies are in tears over the deception of beauty. Some men are equally languishing in regret in the confines of their homes because instead of going to the Match Maker and creator, they failed to pray effectively. They believed their physical attractiveness would pull sisters to them, and they would find a good wife from among them. Any partner you get from God is the best you can ever have, no matter how imperfect the fellow is. Go to the Lord today!

Father, in any way I have trusted in my looks and physique, have mercy on me. Father today, I put all my trust in you.
Bible in one year: Joshua 1-3


  1. I thank God for the gift of life and I give Him Glory for everything He has done for me and my family. Father, please have mercy on me in every area of my life, I put all my trust in you. I thank God for the life of DADDY G.O and His Minisry, His family, may God Almighty be with you and your will nol run dry in JESUS NAME. Amen

  2. Thank you Father for your word this morning, help not to focus on looks alone but trust you to choose him for me. Amen

  3. Father, am leaning not on my own understanding but on YOU who is the perfect matchmaker.

  4. Father God almighty! I thank u for the food for tort dis momorning may your everlasting love be among us,and may I never focus on materiel look,may I focus on the love and things that will allways bring me close to you in Jesus Name!

  5. Lord, thank you for your word that is life. Forgive us for every way we have relied on ourselves. Instead of looking to You for direction. Have mercy and deliver us from our mistakes and errors in Jesus name, amen

  6. Gdmorning Jesus, I woke up with a wonderful feeling this morning, I ve been in tears and regrets since the month of July, but today u did sumtin wonderful, you put a smile on my face and am trusting in you to make the smile an everlasting one IJN. Thank you Lord, may your name be praised and exalted forever. Amen.

  7. Oh Lord let our youths have this understanding, IJN.

  8. Father I thank you for reminding me to trust in your word which says that you have a good plans for me and to take me to a expected end. Please help me not to rely on my own understanding but to hold onto you and persevere till the end.

  9. O Lord I thank u for ur words of encouragement this morning,may d Lord help us to depend on him in Jesus name, Amen.

  10. This word has opened my eyes I use to base d type of future partner I desire base on looks but now I know better. I pray God to grant me that which is mine

  11. Thank you lord for the message of today,father give M̶̲̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ the grace to be the doer of your word α̲̅πϑ not the hearer alone IJN

  12. My Lord & my God, i thank You for en lighting me not to count on my own handsomeness. But rather trusting & depending on You to see me through even as I receive the grace to do so IJN Amen!!!


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