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Open Heavens Devotional by Pastor E.A. Adeboye

MEMORIZE: “Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?” (Matt. 6:27).

READ: Matthew 6:25-32

Using your mental faculties or mind to worry about things or events, is an abuse of God’s purpose of giving you such great resources. Generally, human beings are concerned about the past, the present and the future. They fear that their negative past can suddenly catch up with them. Concerning the present, people also carry loads of worries. If things are bad, they begin to worry whether there would ever be improvement. If things are good, they fret about continuity. The fellow without a car worries whether he will ever own a car in his life time. When he gets one, his worry becomes whether it will last—will it be stolen or will it be involved in an accident? If any of these happens, would he be able to raise enough money to replace the car? In Matthew 6:25-32, our Lord Jesus Christ commands us not to be worried, fretful or over-anxious about our past or present. Worrying over the past blinds your heart concerning all of God’s past goodness and victories, leaving only fear. Similarly, worrying over the present robs you of the joy of the moment, leaving you with hopelessness, doubt and fear. Verse 27 of our reading clearly tells us that if there is one activity that is totally unprofitable, it is engaging in worry. It takes all your time and in turn delivers you nothing but hypertension. If you channel the time wasted in worrying into praising and worshipping God or some other healthy spiritual activity, you will be close to the solution. Worrying takes you further away from the solution.

For many, another subject of worry is the future. “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof” (Matt. 6:34). Most people worry about the future. What will tomorrow bring? What happens after my retirement? Who will take care of me when I am too old to take care of myself? What is the guarantee that I will reach old age? Is it safe to relax now that my parent have lucrative jobs or hold powerful positions? If I am rich today, is there any guarantee that my wealth will sustain me and my children in the future? Stop worrying about your future! Worrying about the future robs you of joys ahead. It also robs you of hope, fills you with fear and can lead to untimely death. Worrying takes your heart from God and hands it over to your enemy: the spirit of fear. It robs you of your prayer life. Take all those issues that you are mindful of to Jesus and look up to Him for direction and solution.

Worry, fear and anxiety are Satan’s weapons. Give them no place in your life!

Bible in One year: Heb. 1-4


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