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DOWN IN EGYPT Wednesday 15 June

Open Heavens Devotional by Pastor E.A. Adeboye

MEMORIZE: “Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong; but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the LORD!” (Isa. 31:1).

READ: Isaiah 31:1-3

One time to be extremely thoughtful and prayerful is during a time of famine. Apart from suffering irrecoverable losses due to unguarded decisions during a famine, unguarded response to famine can equally breed the opposite of your promise or potential. An example of this was Naomi. Her name-Naomi—means the ‘pleasant one’. But when she left Israel for Moab during a famine, she lost all that meant something to her – her husband and sons and was left with only bitter pills. On her return to Israel, she was barely recognized. Misery had rewritten her countenance. By this time people were wondering if the person they were seeing was the Naomi they used to know. She told them her name had changed to Mara – bitterness. If you want the promise and possibilities attached to your name and destiny to be realized, do not take unguarded steps during a famine. Never jump or run anywhere else until you have heard from God.

“And the LORD appeared unto him, and said, Go not down into Egypt; dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of” (Genesis 26:2). In Genesis 26:1-16, Isaac encountered a famine but unlike his father, he had great testimonies to share from his experience. If you asked him, he would probably pray for more famines. One lesson here is that to overcome a famine, you must be spiritually up and in shape, not down and out of shape. Backsliding is no way out of a famine. God warned Isaac against going down into Egypt. Some believers become so discouraged during hard times that they compromise their faith. Sister, do you say because you lack money for your University education, you have therefore decided to keep a boy friend? You have gone down to Egypt! Have you resorted to lies—listing several things you were not required to buy, or inflating the prices, so that you can make some gains? You have gone down to Egypt. Or are you secretly employing charms and other diabolic measures to secure a job, husband, wife, child or success? You are down in Egypt! If you go back into sin, you are saying that you are not interested in coming out of the famine. Embracing worldly methods or measures in coming out of a famine would permanently keep you there. Are you already down in Egypt? Repent and come out. Return to God today and He will lead you right.

If your survival plan during your period of hardship is not Bible-compliant, dump it!

Bible in One year: Exod. 18-20


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