Open Heavens Devotional by Pastor E.A. Adeboye
MEMORIZE: “For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” (1 Tim. 2:2).
READ: 1 Timothy 2:1-3
In John 17, our Lord Jesus Christ prayed passionately to God on behalf of His disciples shortly before He went to the Cross. The Gospel was a very important matter that could not be left in the hands of unfaithful men and women. For three and a half years, these disciples were exposed to first-hand information on the life and ministry of the Lord. Whether that message of salvation would reach the rest of the world or not depended on them. Thank God they did not fail God. In the Name of Jesus, you will not fail God. Everyone God has planned to use you to reach shall be reached in Jesus name.
If you take a close look at this unique prayer of Jesus, you will observe that He practically “begged” His Father to support these disciples. Why? He knew how frail men are and that except they are divinely assisted, they were bound to fail. John 2:23-25 says because of Christ’s knowledge of what was in the hearts of men, He found it difficult committing Himself to them. Besides, the fact that they lived in an evil and wicked world manipulated by Satan and his hosts, further revealed their need for God. From experience, he knew that Satan can go to any length to pull down a leader that has been appointed by God. In fact, in the satanic kingdom, those agents of darkness that succeed in bringing down men of God are heavily rewarded. For your information, in the kingdom of darkness, there is a price tag on the heads of church leaders. This is why you must pray for your leaders.
Leadership is a serious issue. Thinking that the successor of a leader will go through lesser trails, troubles, and hardship than the predecessor is wishful thinking. He will face the same adversary, Satan, who is resolved to topple him. Some leaders who started with good intentions ended where they never expected. If a leader fails, it is most likely that those under him will end up in the same pit. One reason for failure of leaders today is because of little or no prayer for them. Your leaders are not spirits but flesh and blood, subject to the same conditions as other mortals. But with your prayers, they can be preserved in righteousness to do what they were called out to do. Are you earnestly praying for your leaders?
The failure of a leader might affect the led.
Bible in One year: Deut 7-9
MEMORIZE: “For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” (1 Tim. 2:2).
READ: 1 Timothy 2:1-3
In John 17, our Lord Jesus Christ prayed passionately to God on behalf of His disciples shortly before He went to the Cross. The Gospel was a very important matter that could not be left in the hands of unfaithful men and women. For three and a half years, these disciples were exposed to first-hand information on the life and ministry of the Lord. Whether that message of salvation would reach the rest of the world or not depended on them. Thank God they did not fail God. In the Name of Jesus, you will not fail God. Everyone God has planned to use you to reach shall be reached in Jesus name.
If you take a close look at this unique prayer of Jesus, you will observe that He practically “begged” His Father to support these disciples. Why? He knew how frail men are and that except they are divinely assisted, they were bound to fail. John 2:23-25 says because of Christ’s knowledge of what was in the hearts of men, He found it difficult committing Himself to them. Besides, the fact that they lived in an evil and wicked world manipulated by Satan and his hosts, further revealed their need for God. From experience, he knew that Satan can go to any length to pull down a leader that has been appointed by God. In fact, in the satanic kingdom, those agents of darkness that succeed in bringing down men of God are heavily rewarded. For your information, in the kingdom of darkness, there is a price tag on the heads of church leaders. This is why you must pray for your leaders.
Leadership is a serious issue. Thinking that the successor of a leader will go through lesser trails, troubles, and hardship than the predecessor is wishful thinking. He will face the same adversary, Satan, who is resolved to topple him. Some leaders who started with good intentions ended where they never expected. If a leader fails, it is most likely that those under him will end up in the same pit. One reason for failure of leaders today is because of little or no prayer for them. Your leaders are not spirits but flesh and blood, subject to the same conditions as other mortals. But with your prayers, they can be preserved in righteousness to do what they were called out to do. Are you earnestly praying for your leaders?
The failure of a leader might affect the led.
Bible in One year: Deut 7-9
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