Open Heavens Devotional by Pastor E.A. Adeboye
MEMORIZE: “The merciful man doeth good to his own soul: but
he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh.” (Prov. 11:17).
READ: Proverbs 11:16-18
God’s wisdom is full of mercy (James 3:17). Matthew 5:7 says
it is the merciful that will receive mercy. This means that mercy responds to
the principle of sowing and reaping. If you want mercy, show mercy to those in
need and you will reap its harvest. No wonder Proverbs 11:17 says the merciful
is only being merciful to himself or herself. Has someone offended you and you
feel like descending on the fellow with all your wrath? Remember that if only
you can restrain yourself and show him or her some mercy, mercy will await you
at your point of judgement. A lion was asleep one day when a little rat which
was playing, mistakenly climbed over it and woke it up. Annoyed, the lion decided
it would have the rat for breakfast. But the little rat pleaded for mercy
reminding the lion that it might be its turn to save the lion someday. The lion
was surprised at that rat’s effrontery and released it. The following day,
while the rat resumed its play, it saw the lion in a serious pain, caught in a
net. So, it chewed up the net and helped the lion to escape. The saying goes:
‘One good turn deserves another’. That housemaid, driver, cleaner, or messenger
you do not regard today, may be your saving grace tomorrow. How merciful are
Any advice or strategy that abhors mercy is not of God. If
it emanates from God, it will bear the nature of God – mercy. This is another
way of testing if a counsel is from God or not. In addition, the wisdom of God
is full of good fruits. If you are full of God’s wisdom it will show in the overflow
of love, gentleness, joy, peace, etc., that will be released to the outside
world (Gal 5:22-23). If you have wisdom, you will retain your joy. If you allow
the troubles around to steal the joy inside you, your loss will be colossal!
People have asked why I often laugh or crack jokes about the disturbing events
taking place in our nation. The reason is, if you don’t laugh it off, you could
develop hypertension. Learn to laugh about very disturbing events: “A merry
heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones” (Prov.
17:22). The joy of the Lord is your strength. As long as you retain your joy,
nobody can defeat you. The day you lose your joy, your vision, hope and future
may go with it. Happy New year!
Your friends do not need your mercy; your enemies and
offenders do; give it to them. Thank God for seeing the end of this year. Ask
for grace to enter 2012 peacefully and victoriously.
Bible in One year: Gen 23-26
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