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Showing posts from January, 2015


From the Directorate of Prayer Ministry, RCCG, Redemption Camp, Lagos Nigeria The year 2015 has the number five at its end, and five (5) indicates grace. In this year, the grace of God will see you through, protect you, cover you from all dangers, promote you, prospers you and put an end to every form of disgrace. These are the contents in the package of prophecies just released by our father in the Lord at the Crossover night. Hence, as we pray these forty days, may we see the manifestation over our nations, our lives and ministries, in the name of Jesus. God Bless you. PRAYER POINTS FOR 40 DAYS FASTING AND PRAYER PERIOD Thank God for being the God over your life Ps 124: 1-8. Praise the name of the Lord for bringing you into a bright new year. Thank God for providing for your family throughout the past year Ps 23: 1-6 Thank God for defending your home Ps 20: 1-3, Ps 145: 1 -21. Bless the name of the Lord for His mercies over your life and family members Ps 136: 1-26, Ps 5...

PROPHECIES FOR THE YEAR 2015 By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

PROPHECIES FOR THE YEAR 2015 By Pastor E. A. Adeboye Individual The Lord says the harvest for the 100 days fast will be given this year Daddy says this year will be full of testimonies, those who have non before will have this year Daddy says some of you will swim in the river of abundance this year Daddy says there will be miraculous completion of projects Daddy says there will be fulfillment of dreams Daddy says there will be miraculous restoration Daddy says the song of many will be - The Lord has been good to me   International Scientific and medical breakthrough will be many, particularly in the areas of lack of sleep, dreams and brain disorder Daddy says Ebola will die out Daddy says all over the world insurgencies will be considerately weakened He asked us to pray against massive calamities He asked us to pray against massive earthquakes, strong hurricane and typhoons   RCCG MEMBERS See your Pastor Note: There will be 40 days fastin...